iQerel presentation at the 2017 Education Leadership Symposium

Fiona Stephens (Canterbury Christchurch University) and Prof. Eli Ottesen (University of Oslo) attended the Educational Leadership Symposium in Zug, Switzerland from 6-8th September 2017 and presented a paper on the iQerel Project.  The presentation included and an explanation of the history of the collaboration of the project partners, the rational for the project itself, some exploration of challenges regarding external evaluation in schools and a demonstration of the website itself.  The presentation was well received and the conference provided an opportunity for Fiona and Eli to network with others including school leaders, academics and policy makers in the field of educational leadership and to disseminate the website and encourage feedback on and engagement with the resource.

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The International Quality Evaluation Resource for Education Leaders (iQerel) is an on-going three-year project, started in September 2014 and funded by Erasmus+. This website has been produced by the project team to offer literature, case studies and questions to support reflection on practice as part of the school improvement agenda.